What Makes Your Heart Sing?

What lights you up?  What things make you talk excitedly, with animation? 
What information or experiences draw you in and give your day meaning? 

It is so important in life to pay attention to these things, in ourselves and in other people. 

As an Executive Coach, I have clients who tell me that they have lost their motivation, that they want a change, but don’t quite know what they want. So it is amazing to watch their transformation when they are asked to tell me about something that lights them up, uplifts them or gives them joy. This is before we’ve even started any formal coaching.

We all have things that light us up and add value and meaning to our lives. 

To truly motivate someone, whether it’s a colleague, an athlete or even your child, hone in on what makes their heart sing. 

Ask yourself: What do they get enthusiastic about? What lights them up? What information do they value most?

Good sales people know how to do this.

They find people’s motivators and help them understand how using their product will make the buyer’s heart sing, light them up or add some sort of meaning to their life. I am sure you know that, even if we are not formally working in sales, we all sell things every day. Parents sell the value of eating vegetables to their children. Coaches sell the merit of two hours or more of training a day.  Managers sell the importance of completing projects successfully and on time.

Successful sales people know how to engage someone’s heart. They engage passion! Fun! Ease. Desired results.

So, what are you selling? And how are you selling it?

Carol Fox